YESS aims to highlight the scientific contributions by early career researchers in the community to make their work more visible and to enhance scientific interactions among community members and beyond. The Science Highlights will be mainly in the form of published papers and will be posted here on a regular basis*.
kaagita, V., Thandlam, V., Sakirevu Palli, V.R. et al. (2024). Diagnosing the role of atmospheric variability on the extreme summer monsoon precipitation events over India. Discov Atmos 2, 19.

Timmermans, M.-L. and Z.M. Labe (2024). Sea surface temperature [in “Arctic Report Card 2024”], NOAA. 10.25923/9z96-aq19

Vanek S.B., Z.M. Labe, O. Lauter, K. Shionalyn, M.A. Shadab, E. Adasheva, A. Margevich, M.N. Schaberg, L. Ashokkumar, and J.N. Naoukin (2024). Exploring the past, present, and future of USAPECS: Lessons from a decade of supporting early career research across national and international polar networks. Arctic Yearbook, ISSN 2298-2418. Artctic Year Book
Wang, P., Bai, B., Cao, J.H. et al. (2024). Experimental insights into the stability of karst carbon sink by submerged macrophytes. Environ. Earth Sci., 83: 422.

If you want to submit your highlight, please fill this form.
If you can’t access to Google Form, you can send your highlight to gro.ytinummoc-sseynull@sthgilhgih-ecneics
Guidelines to submit your highlight:
- You should be a YESS member.
- The paper should be in the scope of interdisciplinary Earth system sciences (natural and social sciences).
- You should be an author of the paper (lead or co-author).
- The paper should be published within the last six months.
- Citation should be in APA format + DOI.
- Add a link to your YESS profile.
- Add one picture or figure from your paper to feature on the website (optional).
- Add your Twitter user to mention you when we advertise the Science Highlights (optional).
*Note that this will be a rolling list, which will be updated regularly based on incoming submissions.