YESS Publications
YESS aims to bring together early career scientists to give them an opportunity to share ideas and visions on Earth system science topics, challenges for early career scientists and to develop these shared thoughts into papers – crossing countries, regions and disciplines.
In the recent years the following papers in scientific peer reviewed journals have been published through collaborations that YESS facilitated and/or was actively involved:
Are We at Risk of Losing the Current Generation of Climate Researchers to Data Science?
Shipra Jain, Julia Mindlin, Gerbrand Koren, Carla Gulizia, Claudia Steadman, Gaby S. Langendijk, Marisol Osman, Muhammad A. Abid, Yuhan Rao, Valentina Rabanal (2022). AGU Advances, 3, e2022AV000676
Towards a more integrated role for early career researchers in the IPCC process
Gulizia, C., Langendijk, G., Huang-Lachmann, JT. de Amorim Borges, P., Flach, R., Githaiga, C., Rahimi, M. (2019). Climatic Change.
Three Ways Forward to Improve Regional Information for Extreme Events: An Early Career Perspective
Langendijk, G.S., Aubry-Wake, C., Osman, M., Gulizia, C., Attig-Bahar, F., Behrens, E., Bertoncini, A., Hart, N., Indasi, V.S., Innocenti, S., van der Linden, E.C., Mamnun, N., Rasouli, K., Reed, K.A., Ridder, N., Rivera, J., Ruscica, R., Ukazu, B.U., Walawender, J.P., Walker, D.P., Woodhams, B.J. and Yılmaz, Y.A., 2019. Frontiers in Environmental Science. 7:6.

Earth System Science Frontiers: An Early Career Perspective
Rauser, F., Alqadi, M., Arowolo, S., Baker, N., Bedard, J., Behrens, E., Dogulu, N., Domingues, L.G., Frassoni, A., Keller, J. and Kirkpatrick, S., Langendijk G., Mirsafa M., Salauddin, M., Naumann A.K., Osman, M., Reed, K., Rothmuller, M., Schemann, V., Singh, A., Tummon, F., Dike, V., Villafuerte M.Q., Walawender J.P., Zaroug, M., 2017. Earth System Science Frontiers: An Early Career Perspective. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 98(6), 1120-1127.
Obstacles facing Africa’s young climate scientists
Dike, V.N., Addi, M. Andang´o, H.A., Attig, B.F., Barimalala, R., Diasso, U.J., Plessis, M.D., Lamine, S., Nongwe, P.N., Zaroug, M., Ochanda, K.V., 2018. Obstacles facing Africa’s young climate scientists. Nature Climate Change, 8, 447–449.
Jørgensen, P. S., Evoh, C. J., Gerhardinger, L. C., Hughes, A. C., Langendijk, G. S., Moersberger, H., Jay Pocklington, J., Mukherjee, N. (2019). Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability, 39, 153-159.
Frassoni, A., D. Castilho, M. Rixen, E. Ramirez, J. de Mattos, P. Kubota, A. Calheiros, K. Reed, M. da Silva Dias, P. da Silva Dias, H. de Campos Velho, S. de Roode, F. Doblas-Reyes, D. Eiras, M. Ek, S. Figueroa, R. Forbes, S. Freitas, G. Grell, D. Herdies, P. Lauritzen, L. Machado, A. Manzi, G. Martins, G. Oliveira, N. Rosário, D. Sales, N. Wedi, and B. Yamada, 2018. Building the next generation of climate modelers: scale–aware physics parameterization and the “Grey Zone” challenge. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 10.1175/BAMS-D-18-0145.1, in press.
*YESS members Ariane Frassoni, Kevin Reed, João Gerd Zell de Mattos were contribution actively to the development of this paper as an outcomes of the the 2nd WCRP Summer School on Climate Model Development, held in Cachoeira Paulista, Brazil, January 2018.
Reflections on the CLIVAR Early Career Scientists Symposium 2016
Swart, N.C., Busecke, J., Langendijk, G., Reed, K.A., Kang, S.M., Behrens, E., Frassoni, A., Baker, N.C., Durgadoo, J.V., Dike, V.N. and Nath, D., 2018.
Reflections on the CLIVAR Early Career Scientists Symposium 2016, NPJ Climate and Atmospheric Science, 1:6.
Sustainable early-career networks
Rauser, F., V. Schemann, and S. Sonntag (2015).
Sustainable early-career networks, Nature Geoscience, 8, 745-746.
ICYESS2013: Uncertainty as an example of interdisciplinary language problems
Rauser, F., A. Schmidt, S. Sonntag, and D. Süsser (2014), ICYESS2013: Uncertainty as an example of interdisciplinary language problems. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 95, ES106-ES108.
In the recent years the following blog posts and/or opinion/commentaries have been published through collaborations that YESS facilitated and/or was actively involved:

Gaby S. Langendijk & Marisol Osman. Hurricane COVID-19: What can COVID-19 tell us about tackling climate change? EGU Blog Climate Division. 2020.