YESS workshops & events

Throughout the last years YESS has organised or co-organised many workshops, (side-)events and early career sessions on international, regional and national levels. For example:


Due to COVID-19 2020 YESS will be organising less events. Though we will ensure active scientific exchange online (more info here).

YESS organises different webinar series, e.g. on climate science and citizen science. More information can be found here.

We are currently planning a (virtual) ECR event for the AGU Fall meeting.
7 – 11 Dec. 2020, AGU, San Francisco, USA


YESS-YHS-APECS-AGU-WCRP Joint Early Career Researcher workshop
“Water Cycle in a 1.5°C warmer world: interdisciplinary approaches”
7 Dec. 2019 at AGU, San Francisco, USA

“Let’s focus on the user – CORDEX data sets for climate projections and applications”
14-18 October at International Conference for Regional Climate, CORDEX, Beijing, China

YESS workshop at the Max Planck Symposium
Sustainability and air quality. Interactive negotiation role-play
1-4 Sept. 2019, Berlin, Germany

YESS-IAMAS Early Career Scientist Event
”Science Communication – Improve your message and a perspective on career development”
11 July at 27th IUGG General Assembly


Joint YESS-YHS Early Career Researcher (ECR) Workshop
Towards Regional Information to Improve Our Understanding on Weather, Water, and Climate Extreme Events
3-5 May 2018, Canmore, Canada


YESS at EGU Assembly
“Scientific speed dating for Early Career Researchers”
26 Apr. 2017, Vienna, Austria.

YESS at WGNE Workshop on systematic errors in weather and climate models
“Increase understanding of the nature and cause of errors in models used for weather and climate prediction, including intra-seasonal to inter-annual scales”
19-23 June, 2017, Montréal, Québec, Canada

YESS at AGU Fall Meeting
ED11A: Early-Career Organizations and Networks in Geosciences”
11 Dec, 2017, New Orleans, USA


ICRC-CORDEX 2016 Early Career Scientist Event
“Communicating climate science: an Early Career Scientists Dialogue
19 May 2016, Stockholm, Sweden

CLIVAR Open Science Conference
“Early Career Scientists Symposium
18,24,25 Sept. 2016, Qingdao, China

“Career Resource Theater Presentation”
12-16 Dec. 2016, San Francisco, USA


YESS / WMO Earth System Science Frontiers Workshop
Oct. 2015, Offenbach, Germany


YESS @ climate symposium
“Climate Research and Earth Observations from Space and “Climate information for decision making” 
13-17 Oct. 2014,  Darmstadt, Germany 

YESS Workshop 2014
Communicating Earth System Science research to a general public and within different climate research communities”
17–18 Nov. 2014, Rosengarten, Germany