2nd ICTP Summer School on Theory, Mechanisms and Hierarchical Modelling of Climate Dynamics: Convective Organization and Climate Sensitivity, 1–12 July 2019, Trieste, Italy. Application deadline expired.
Summer school Land system Sciences, 7–12 July 2019, Filzbach, Switzerland. Application deadline expired.
NIOZ Marine Masters Summer Course, 30 June – 12 July 2019, The Netherlands, Island of Texel, credits: 3.5 ECTS. Application deadline expired.
African SWIFT and YESS International Summer School 2019, 21 July – 2 August 2019, Kumasi, Ghana. Application deadline expired.
School of Advanced Science on Atmospheric Aerosols: Properties, Measurements, Modeling, and Effects on Climate and Health, 22 July – 2 August 2019, São Paulo, Brazil. Application deadline expired.
CCMI Summer School 2019, 4–6 August 2019, Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong. Application deadline expired.
International Geochronology Summer School, 1–6 September 2019, Morteratsch, Switzerland. Application deadline expired.
Bucharest Urban Climate Summer School (BUCSS), 2-6 September 2019, Bucharest, Romania. Application deadline: 24 June 2019.
18th International Swiss Climate Summer School on Carbon and Climate in the Paris World, 8 – 13 September 2019, Monte Verità, Ascona, Switzerland. Application deadline expired.
Summer School on Earth System Modelling (ESM Summer School 2019), 9 – 19 September 2019, Bad Aibling, Germany. Application deadline expired.
Institute of Advanced Studies in Climate Extremes and Risk Management (Fall School), 21 October – 1 November 2019, Nanjing, China. Application deadline expired.
Please consider adding training cources or schools to the list above (contact: Jörg Burdanowitz or Valentina Rabanal).